Are you correcting an A-melding? Send a cancellation message. Read more here.
An a-melding may contain error messages or deviations. Here you will find an overview of common error messages and deviations, with instructions on how to correct the errors.
Read more about error messages on a-melding at the Tax Administration website here.
Altinn works with two categories of deviations - "Immediate" and "Guideline".
- "Immediate"
A deviation that needs to be corrected. You need to send the a-melding again with updated information. - "Guideline"
A deviation that is for your information and does not necessarily need to be corrected. Reach out to the Tax Administration if you are unsure.
MAGNET_EDAG-183 - The contribution basis is negative
Why am I receiving this error message?
You have specified a total contribution basis for salary with a negative amount.
You may have received the error message because you have used the wrong prefix for the amount you specified as the total contribution basis for salary. The contribution basis should normally be a positive amount.
The a-melding has been submitted with information that may be incorrect.
How do I correct this?
The total amount on the a-melding is reported with a negative amount. Check this like this:
- Go to Salary > A-melding.
- Select the correct period and click "Refresh".
- Click on the A-melding the guideline applies to.
- Send a cancellation message, retrieve return message, reverse the A-melding and then delete.
- Reverse the salary voucher the a-melding is attached to and create a new one with the correct prefix.
- Create and send a-melding.
MAGNET_EDAG-108 - Employment information is missing
Why am I receiving this error message?
Last month, you provided employment information which you did not include in the a-melding this month.
You may have received the error message because:
- There is a lack of reporting on the employees employment.
- The employees employment has been reported twice.
How do I correct this?
Check whether you have reported the employee on the a-melding for the period stated on the error message.
- Have you sent the a-melding for that period from Tripletex? Check it in Tripletex.
- Have you sent the a-melding for that period from a different system? Check it in the other accounting system.
Have you not reported an a-melding on the employee for the given period from Tripletex?
- Go to Salary > A-melding.
- Make sure to select the correct period and click "Refresh".
- Look at the section “Employment”.
- Choose the employee the guideline applies to in the overview, and click “Send a-melding”.
- Retrieve return message.
- If the status is “OK” on the a-melding, you have now correctly reported the employee.
Have you sent a melding of the employee from Tripletex and another system?
You cannot report employment on an a-melding from two different accounting systems. Then this error message will appear.
You need to send a cancellation message and delete the a-melding from one of the systems, so the employee is only reported from one accounting system in the given period.
Are you unsure whether you have reported twice?
- Order an A06 in ods-format, and download A07 (reconciliation information).
Read more about how to order an A07 here - Open the document A07 in Excel or Sheets.
- Look at the tab for “Submission Information” and column “L” which is named "Source systems". Here you can see which system the a-melding for the period is sent from. If there is another system as well as Tripletex, you have reported the employee twice.
MAGNET_EDAG-110 - Start date differs from a previously reported start date
Why am I receiving this error message?
You have specified a different start date for the employment compared to what you reported on the a-melding last month.
Other reasons you may be receiving this error message:
- You specified an incorrect start date
- You changed the start date because the employee changed occupation or percentage of employment. The start date must only refer to the date on which the person began their employment, changes in duties.
- The employee has worked for you previously and you have used the same employment ID as the last time you provided information concerning the employee (you will then have “overwritten” the previous start date and this must be corrected, as there are two consecutive but separate employment relationships)
How do I correct this?
Check that the employees' employment that is registered in the error message is identically registered in Tripletex as in the previous system. If for example, the start date for the employment is registered to be 31.03.22, this will also need to be registered as the start date of employment on the employees' employment in Tripletex.
- Go to Company > Employees and choose the employee it is regarding
- Go to the tab “Employment”
- Scroll down to the section “Employment” and correct the date in the field “Start date”.
- Click on “Save”
Cancel the A-melding and send a new one with the updated information.
MAGNET_EDAG-179 - Income recipient is missing Norwegian national ID number/D number
Why am I receiving this error message?
You have used an international identifier in order to identify the income recipient for too long and Altinn is registering that the employee is missing a national identity number or a D-number.
You may be receiving the error message because:
- You have forgotten to specify a D-number or a national identity number on the employee's employment
- The employee has not yet been assigned a D-number or a national identity number
How do I correct this?
If this is wrong and the employee should still be reported in with an international identificator, you do not need to do anything else. The message is a guideline from Altinn, and is only for informational purposes.
Check with the employee whether they have received a national identity number or a D-number, and register this on their employment.
You do this by going to:
- Company > Employees and click on the employee the guideline applies to.
- Go to the tab “Employment”
- Enter the national identification number or D-number in the section “Employee details”.
- Click “Save”.
- Send a new a-melding for only the employment.
Read more about how to send a-melding on just employment here.
MAGNET_EDAG-175C - Information concerning a person who has been reported under
different F-numbers/D numbers in the same calendar month is collected under
a single number
Why am I receiving this error message?
You have specified both a national identity number and a D-number for an employee in the same period.
This can happen if an employee who previously had a D-number now has a national identity number and you have specified both numbers in the same a-melding.
How do I correct this?
You do not need to correct this, this is a guideline from Altinn and is only for informational purposes.
The information you have given on the employee will be summarized and treated as one on the next a-melding.
Contact the Tax Administration if you are unsure.
MAGNET_EDAG-235-5 - The number of hours per week for a full-time position is higher than permitted
Why am I receiving this error message?
You have reported a higher number of hours per week than allowed for a full-time position.
For the “notShift” working hours scheme, the number of hours for a full-time position must not exceed 168.
You may have received the error message because you have:
- Entered the wrong amount of hours
- Stated more than 168 hours a week
- Sent a-melding for two periods on one a-melding
The voucher date of the salary voucher dictates what period it will be reported on. - Used a wage type with the a-melding code “Cash benefit subject to withholding tax - hourly wage” on accident.
How do I correct this?
- Check the salary vouchers that have been reported in the a-melding and how many hours are submitted in total on the employee.
Check the wage type used as well. - Check if the salary voucher for two different periods are on the a-melding for a given period. For example, salary for November is usually reported on the a-melding for December.
- Check the a-melding code on the wage type. This is how you check the a-melding code:
1. Go to Wage > Settings and the tab “Wage Types”
2. Click on the wage type number listed in blue.
3. Scroll down to the section “Salary settings”.
4. Look at the field “A-melding code” to see how the wage type is reported on a-melding.
Read more about a-melding codes on the Tax Administration's website here
Contact an accountant or the Tax Administration if you are unsure of the right A-melding code.