Now that you have registered the computer system in Altinn and created a user for logging in, you must also register the computer system ID from Altinn in Tripletex to complete the connection.
This is how you do it:
- Log in to Tripletex.
- Go to «Salary > Settings» in the main menu on the left.
Do you not have the salary module?
Go to «Accounts > Settings».
- Scroll down to the section «Altinn».
- Register the Altinn ID and password that you created in Altinn in step 1.
This password is not what you use when you are logging into Altinn.
5. Click «Save». You have now set up the connection to Altinn!
Want to learn more?
Slik oppretter og sender du a-melding (This article is not translated yet)
Slik henter du eSkattekort (This article is not translated yet)
Hvordan løser jeg feilmeldinger ved innlogging til Altinn? (This article is not translated yet)
Hvordan sjekker jeg i mine roller i Altinn? (This article is not translated yet)