Help Center
- How do I get the chart of accounts in English?
- How do I get Tripletex in English?
- I have forgotten my password, how do I log in?
- How do I record time with a time clock (stopwatch)?
- How do I use the time sheet?
- How do I approve payments with BankID?
- How do I download the Google Authenticator app for 6-digit codes?
- How do I activate two-factor authentication?
- This is how you activate bank reconciliation with Autopay
- How to register payments with Autopay
- How do I receive payments from the bank?
- How to connect bank integration (Autopay) to your user
- How do I activate bankintegration with AutoPay?
- How can I reconcile the bank statement with Bank integration Mini?
- This is how you pay with Bank Integration Mini
- Get started with Tripletex!
- Create an Invoice
- Pay an invoice
- Introduction to bankintegration
- Salary in Tripletex
- Possibilities you should explore when getting started
- This is how you receive payments with Bank Integration Mini
- How do I give consent with Bank Integration Mini?
- How to activate Bank Integration Mini
- How do I pay the VAT return?
- How to send the VAT return
- How to log in with ID-porten for VAT return
- How do I create a VAT return?
- What you need to do before creating VAT return
- I get an error message when I send A-melding. How do I solve it?